
What is Instantaneous Hot Water?

What is Instantaneous Hot Water? Summary 1. Instantaneous water heater: operating principle 2. Instantaneous heating: the different types 3. Calling a professional to installĀ an instantaneous water heater For the production of domestic hot water, you have the choice between: – a hot water tank or an accumulation appliance; – an instantaneous water heater. These two […]


How Do You Install Electrical Molding (Part 2)

This post is a continuation from Part 1 on How Do You Install Electrical Molding. Lately, we have gone through the choice of material. We will now cover: Step 1: Prepare for installation Step 2: Make the cuts Step 3: Attach the electrical moldings Step 4: Place the pedestals Step 5: Pull the cables Step […]


How Do You Install Electrical Molding (Part 1)

Summary Part 1: Focus on the choice of material Part 2: How do you install electrical molding Step 1: Prepare for installation Step 2: Make the cuts Step 3: Attach the electrical moldings Step 4: Place the pedestals Step 5: Pull the cables Step 6: Connect the devices Step 7: Make the finishes Exposed electricity […]


4 Reasons Why a Smart Thermostat for Your Home Is Worth It

A drop in temperature means that winter is coming, meaning that the heater will also stay longer. The amount of energy used by the boiler is enormous, plus the price of gas and electricity adds on to it. It has never been more important than today to have total control over the temperature of the […]

Cooling Tips HVAC Contractors HVAC Tips

Why Does My Office Air Conditioner Smell Like Poop?

Is there a poop-like smell in your office or house that seems to get worse when the air conditioner is on? While you may want to get to the stench and remove it, you may not realize that the foul smell in your building can also be a sign of severe health risks. Here’s some […]


How to Embed a Power Line (Part 2)

This post is a continuation from Part 1 on How to Embed a Power Line. Lately, we have gone through Step 1: Locate the socket locations, and Step 2: Draw the bleed. We will now cover: – Step 3: Case 1: If you dig a short cut in plaster – Step 3: Case 2: If […]


How to Embed a Power Line (Part 1)

Summary – Focus on the electrical standards for the realization of bleedings – Step 1: Locate the outlet locations – Step 2: Draw the bleed – Step 3: Case 1: If you dig a short cut in plaster – Step 3: Case 2: If you are digging a long bleed or any bleed in a […]


Should You Do Your Electrical Work?

Contents – What type of electrical installation? – Carry out your electric installation – Designing the plan of your electrical installation – Calling on a professional You should carry out your electrical installation according to the rules of the trade. Your comfort and, above all, your safety depends on its proper functioning. What type of […]


What Is the Heating Flow Temperature of a Heat Pump (Part 2)

What Is the Heating Flow Temperature of a Heat Pump (Part 2) This post is a continuation of Part 1 on What Is the Heating Flow Temperature of a Heat Pump. Lately, we have gone through what is a split air-to-water heat pump and what exactly is the heating flow temperature. We will now cover: […]


Easy Steps to Install a Mono split Air Conditioner (Part 1)

Summary What is a mono split air conditioning unit? Materials needed to install a mono split air conditioner Step 1: Determine the location of the indoor unit Step 2: Attach the wall bracket Step 3 to 10: Continue in part 2 of this post What is a mono split air conditioning unit? A mono split […]