Electrical Contractors Divers

What are Electric Fuses and Circuit Breakers

Nowadays, fuses are being replaced in favour of circuit breakers, but the functionality of the fuses is still relevant. Role of a fuse A fuse is a safety device that protects against short circuits and overloads. The fuse is in the form of a cylinder made of glass or ceramic, with a filament passing through […]


4 Crucial Components in Renovating Your Electrical Installation

4 Crucial Components in Renovating Your Electrical Installation Summary 1. Compliance with standards 2. Stages of its implementation 3. Electrical renovation: the work process 4. Electricity renovation: price, installation, and distributor There comes a time when the electricity distribution of older homes should eventually be renovated to meet new electrical needs and standards. Here are […]


Constraints for the Installation of a Reversible Air-Conditioning System

Constraints for the Installation of a Reversible Air-Conditioning System The installation constraints of a reversible air-conditioning system are essentially linked to the type of device concerned. Some cannot do without the services of a qualified professional, while others are easily installed. There are on the market efficient air conditioners ready to install, requiring some basic […]


An Overview of the Types of Electronic Measurement Devices

An Overview of the Types of Electronic Measurement Devices Contents     – Electronic measuring instrument: Characteristics      – Types of electronic measuring devices     – Electronic measuring instruments: prices and distribution An electronic measuring device is a compact tool that allows data collection for a particular study. Electronic measuring instrument: Characteristics  An electronic measuring device […]


3 Steps to Install a Dimmer Switch

3 Steps to Install a Dimmer Switch Contents     – Step 1: Remove the old switch     – Step 2: Install the dimmer     – Step 3: Test the dimmer A dimmer switch is an electrical device inserted in the place of a traditional switch. It allows you to modulate the intensity of the light. […]


Intrinsic Qualities of a Refrigerant

Intrinsic Qualities of a Refrigerant   Contents     – Intrinsic qualities of a refrigerant     – Impact of the Montreal Protocol on refrigerants   The refrigerant is a body, liquid, or gas that transfers calories by compression/expansion cycle. These fluids are contained in the closed circuits of cold or heat production appliances (air conditioning, refrigeration, […]


When Should I Call a Professional Electrician?

When Should I Call a Professional Electrician? A routine electrical inspection followed by prompt electrical repairs is the best preventative measure homeowners should undertake to avoid an electrical fire from occurring. If you are encountering the slightest electrical issue, it is always wise to have a professional electrician inspect your circuit breaker, electrical panel wiring, […]


What Are the Remedies to Your Veranda Condensation Problem

What Are the Remedies to Your Veranda Condensation Problem   Summary Step 1: Fixing one-time condensation problems Step 2: Reduce chronic condensation in your conservatory Condensation is the number one enemy of conservatories. It is essential to distinguish between spot condensation and chronic condensation, which have different long-term solutions and consequences. With all the care […]


What Is Geothermal Drilling

What Is Geothermal Drilling Contents     – Geothermal drilling: heat for three types of use     – How geothermal heating works     – Geothermal drilling: an advantageous solution     – Geothermal heating: a rather heavy implementation     – Geothermal drilling regulations To heat your home, why not opt for geothermal heating by drawing on the […]


3 Things To Know About The History Of Air Conditioning

Although very common nowadays, air conditioning was a real revolution when it was invented. Thanks to it, the shopping malls of big dimensions or the cinema could take off at the beginning of the 20th century. Air conditioning has thus favored the development of entire economic sectors, which are the basis of our contemporary societies. […]