With an air-conditioning system in your home, you can enjoy unmatched comfort during hot periods. If it is reversible, it will also produce warm air in winter.
However, to save money and ensure the air conditioner’s proper operation, whether conventional or reversible, you must know how to use and maintain it. So a question often comes up: should you leave your air conditioner running permanently?
Mistakes to Avoid When Using the Air Conditioner
1. Contrary to popular belief, turning on the air conditioning as soon as it’s 25° is not recommended. It is better to create air streams rather than systematically turning on the air conditioner to cool down. It should be noted that the ideal room temperature is between 21 and 26°.
2. Likewise, it is discouraged to program the air conditioner at 20° when it is 30° outside. These are wrong practices that can leave you feeling sick, since going from hot to cold so abruptly is terrible for your health, especially for your throat and sinuses.
3. Another common mistake made by air conditioner owners is the lack of maintenance. It is vital to service your air conditioning system on a regular basis, otherwise, the effects can be unpleasant both in terms of breakdowns and operation and on your energy bills. You may need to call in repair technicians to replace parts or the entire system, which can be very expensive, considering the initial investment. In addition, improper use can affect your energy bills and make you spend more.

Things You Need to Know When Using the Air Conditioner
Be extremely cautious when using the air conditioner. For proper use, you need to understand how the air conditioner operates. The operating principle may be similar to that of a refrigerator.
It is the refrigerant in the unit that takes care of the phase changes. The air conditioner can produce fresh air thanks to its various components, such as the evaporator exchanger, compressor, expansion valve, and condenser exchanger.
In summer: close your doors and windows to allow the air conditioner to operate in the best possible conditions. As for the temperature, a difference of 5o C should be enough to ensure adequate comfort. During the day, close blinds and shutters when the sun is shining and ventilate the rooms at the coolest hours.
In winter: If you have a reversible air conditioner capable of producing cool air in summer and warm air in winter, you will need to properly program the system. Properly programmed, air-to-air heat pumps with a high COP can optimize consumption and save you money on your bills.

Optimizing the Programming of the Air Conditioner
To reach the desired temperature, the air conditioner compressor must be running at full speed. It stops automatically when the right temperature is reached and restarts when the room temperature rises again.
One cooling cycle follows another until the air conditioner is completely turned off. In other words, each cooling process runs the compressor, which can increase energy consumption. However, it is also necessary to avoid untimely shutdowns because each power-up increases the risk of failure on switch-mode power supplies.
Ideally, you should run the air conditioner under the programming and turn it off entirely if you will be away for a long time. You will have to let the air conditioner manage itself because economically, the inverter comes to play only during its 3 phases of operation, that is to say, at each restart, at each partial, and at setpoint almost reached. Remember to optimize the air conditioner’s time programming, whether reversible or not, to start the compressor just before the heat or cool comes on.
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